

Made of solid surface material

Solid surface materials also have excellent properties for vertically aligned furniture. Either as an information terminal in the station concourse, as a standing desk in a company foyer or in the entrance area of a museum - our steles cut a fine figure everywhere. The precisely fitting shape results in a clear design language and an elegant design that is functionally enhanced by discreet recesses and niches, for example for screens or storage surfaces. Seamlessly finished, the stele stands as a solitaire in the room, attracting visitors’ attention. Embedded inlays for lettering and logos personalize the furniture robustly, permanently and visibly from afar.



Precise structural milling makes the material appear translucent and allows for a unique interplay of light and color. Let your company logo shine and create three-dimensional objects made of light with sculptural milling.

Thermal deformation

The thermal plasticity of the solid surface material makes even the most unusual shapes with three-dimensional bending elements possible.


High-precision milled pockets in the surface of the counters create a seamless highlight on your counter’s surface with inlays in a variety of materials and colors.


Lacquering in the color spectrum and subsequent surface treatment with lacquer offer even more individuality and emphasize the depth effect and highlight structures

Material mix through bonding

Create accents and highlights by using different colors and materials. The seamlessly bonded elements look as if they have been cast from a single piece.